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Our Story

  Call of the Mountain  

     “Vounó” (from the Greek, “Mountain”) is a small family manufactory that produces natural oils exclusively from wild plants. Everything is done by hand, from harvesting to extraction. We collect aromatic herbs in the uninhabited Mediterranean maquis at altitudes above 400m.

 The arid island land of Greece and the abundance of sun, the isolation that has allowed the maintenance of native endemic species, gives these plants almost magical power. They grow in difficult conditions, from stone, and to survive they develop a great life force, which after extraction is found in every drop of our oil.


Our journey started out of our personal need. We knew of the incredible properties of wild oregano oil and searched for a long time in hopes to discover a good one on the market.


Our research led us to discover that most of essential oils on the market are unfortunately just synthesized artificial aromas and flavors,  products that smell but have no beneficial properties.


Nowadays any exotic fragrance can be synthesized in a test tube - in 1960 about 40% of fragrances were produced naturally, that figure dropped to 15% by 1980 and to just 8% by 1995 as the tendency toward synthetic fragrances continues.

True essential oils are pure, natural products that cannot be synthetically imitated due to their countless ingredients and many active substances and fragrances.

On one of our hikes in the mountains, we stumbled upon a field of wild oregano, thyme and sage. Breathing in the inebriating sweet and spicy air made us realize that we had finally found what we were looking for.


It is there that the idea was born that to be sure of having a pure product, we should produce it ourselves. The result was mesmerizing, and the benefits that we felt and saw after using them for over a year, brought us to think that we should also give others the opportunity to obtain oils of this quality.

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